The following are Mark A. Matheson's beliefs. They will be removed if they do not correspond with any future person or organization that takes over this CHRISTIANandU site.
The Earth and its Evolution.
If the Earth evolved from The Big Bang, where did we get our water? U would think that if there was a big explosion that everything that was projected from such an explosion would probably be molten rock. Not only that how did our Earth get the 98 natural elements that we find in the periodic tables from a ball of fire? What would cause an atmosphere that is made up of air to form and remain around our Earth?
We will spend billions of dollars to find out if there is any life on Mars and we send landing craft to comets to better understand the origin of life. Even if we found a single cell organism on Mars or on a comet; it could never come close to explain the diversity of our Earth.
Except for the frozen Polar Regions; for the most part if U were to take a square km of land or ocean, U would find it teeming with life. Many single and multi celled organisms would find their home there. Did they evolve from rock? Look at any forest on this Earth, in a square km there can be hundreds if organisms plant and animal. Did they evolve from rock? Yes we know that organisms change over time; but, where did they get their beginnings, from rock?
Life on Earth, both plant and animal is too diversified to have its origins come from the big bang. We have so many species of living creatures. How could the complicated bodies of fish and animals with all of their specialized systems come from rock? Systems such as: the Circulatory, the Nervous and the Reproductive Systems, to name a few, could not evolve from rock. Each specialized system is composed of millions of cells each cell contains many key components, did they come from Rock. The Plant and Animal Kingdoms with all their diversity did not evolve from ROCK.
In many cases it is much easier to explain how certain life forms came from being created by Jehovah (God) than evolution. It is much easier to think that the following organisms were created to be so different that they would challenge anti-creation, evolutionary scientist's theories.
For example, three organisms that Jehovah created that would challenge evolution are:
(1) The Duck Billed Platypus- What causes a mammal to have a bird like bill and lay eggs.
(2) The kangaroo- What would cause a pouch to form?
(3) A fire fly- What evolutionary process would cause his abdomen eventually to light up?
Thank U God for creating us and making our Earth and this universe a unique and special place.
Creation in 6 Days rest on the 7th
As a Christian I believe it is much easier to believe in Jehovah than to believe in no supreme being. The Bible gives us an explanation on how we humans were created and how the universe became into being. To simplify things the Bible describes the universe as we know it as being created in six days and on the seventh day he rested. I believe that it took millions of years to get what we have today. When the Bible was written at a time where there was no understanding of how the Earth had evolved. To keep it simple for the most part what took many years to take place was described as happening in days. God I believe during those years god caused many processes to happen that allowed the Earth to be what Adam and Eve were created in. Circumstances had to be favourable for Adam and Eve to survive. God knew what kind Earth was required so that the people he created in his image could survive.
God would not try to mislead anyone he does not lie. Many people would doubt the Bibles authenticity when it comes to the Bibles creation theory. Since God does not lie, God never intended us to forever believe that the universe was created in 6 days. He knew we would figure out that the 6 day theory was not scientifically accurate. He knew that we would figure out that the Earth was millions of years old. How else could we explain things like sea shells high up in the Himalayan Mountains or vast oil fields under many layers of bedrock.
He knew that humans couldn't begin to contemplate the complexities of the universe. It took us thousands of years for us to figure out the our Earth was round.
I believe it was important to Jehovah that humans could relate to a seven day week. So if God was seen as working for six days creating the universe and resting in the seventh, then humans would adapt such a work ethic. It was important to God that we rest on the seventh day and also worship him. God has done so much for us that we should show him at least one day to show genuine appreciation for all he has done.
2 Peter 3, 8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A Day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.
Jehovah (Allah, Yahweh) ur God!
His Name
No matter who U are; as humans we have names. One of the first things we do to communicate with each other, is try to get personable. We show the person that we meet, that we are interested in them and ask them their name. Once we have found out their name, we show them respect and we use it. Once we establish a line of communication we don't turn around and start calling them generic names like perhaps boy, girl, lady and man. Our animals even have names, once we know their names; we try to call them by their names. Does it not seem funny if U knew that a friend's dog was named was perhaps McGhee and all U ever heard was; “Come here dog.” Once we remember a name we try to use it and for humans that shows respect. If U had a son or daughter would U not use their name when U wanted to communicate with them or if U were talking about them? What would people feel if U never did say their names? U communicated with them generically like: Come here boy. Come here girl.
God has a name and that name for Christians is Jehovah, for Moslems it is Allah and for Jews it is Yahweh. We need to show him respect and start calling him by his name more often. Even if U don't believe in God, he still has a name.