I once attended The People's Church at 374 Sheppard Avenue in Toronto. The People's Church is a non-denominational Church. Their services are on Sundays at 9:00 am and 11:30 am. It is a church that is very uplifting to me and others who attend. Most everyone sings, many with raised hands. The music score varies but it is always amazing; sometimes they have around forty singers. Other times they might have a couple of great singers with a half dozen musicians.
The People's Church Lead Pastor Brett McBride is so passionate when he preaches he often brings up his true to life experiences where U visualize the emotions of the people he is talking about. He has been an Urban Missionary in Philadelphia, U.S.A.
The Peoples Church sponsors missionaries around Ourearth. One of their catch phrases is, “Together in Gods Global Mission.” The church partners with 63 mission agencies, sponsors 153 nationals and has over 300 missionaries in more than 40 countries.
Evangelist at large Charles Price and Global Mission Pastor Sandra Ryan preach a good sermon.
The Peoples Churches broadcast “Living Truth” (https//living truth.ca ) is Canada's longest running nationwide broadcast of a church service. It reaches millions of people around the earth.
U can join in on one of the 15 groups they offer from children to Correspondence Bible Studies.
They offer a variety of sermons on various topics.
They have support groups from GriefShare to Divorce Care