Such a worthy cause as uniting all Christians under one organization would be groundbreaking it would bring more people to Jesus. People would be drawn to ChristianandU and will learn more about what Jesus is all about. Working together we will come up with ways to assure their salvation. This would increase church attendance. Many churches have closed or are close to shutting down.
Go to ur church talk to ur minister, congregation and let them know about ChristianandU. News of ChristianandU would leave ur church and be spread to other churches and the hierarchy of those churches. For example, If U were Catholic it should reach the Pope. Someone like this would be more apt to get the backing to start ChristianandU. U could have Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans and other denominations working together on ChristianandU.
If U truly believe that ChristianandU would be a catalyst for growth in the Christian faith and U want to take the lead in ChristianandU making it a successful endeavor for Christ, then contact us at